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JaylaP And Eddie Jaye Bed and Breakfast Sex in COLUMBIA Pt3 Eddie Jaye , JaylaP 05/27/2024This is the continuation of Jaylap and Mr. Eddie Jaye FUCKING at
CHEROKEEPLAYHOUSE Bed and Breakfast and Partying at the RESORT!!
Alessia And Eddie Jaye COLUMBIA Sex Pt1 Alessia , Eddie Jaye 02/12/2024I invited my girl Alessia from Colombia to my Cherokeeplayhouse Bed and =
Breakfast for a ladies weekend without any men. At first it wasn't
any MEN then I forgot Eddie Jaye came with his special guest friend. MY
girl Alessia wanted Mr. Eddie Jaye from day 1 since she arrived at
Kelly Gomez and Eddie Jaye BAE Watch COLUMBIA Pt2 Eddie Jaye , Kelly Gomez 01/29/2024This is the continuation of Kelly Gomez and Mr. Eddie Jaye FUCKING at
CHEROKEEPLAYHOUSE Bed and Breakfast and Partying at the RESORT!!
Kelly Gomez and Eddie Jaye BAE Watch COLUMBIA Pt1 Eddie Jaye , Kelly Gomez 01/08/2024I invited Kelly Gomez over and she loved that red bathing suit bae watch.
that she caught the eye of Mr. Eddie Jaye in the pool. I love wettt
Scenes and this scene were WETTTTTTTTT!!!!!!
JaylaP and Eddie Jay Bed and Breakfast Sex in COLMBIA Pt1 Eddie Jaye , JaylaP 12/25/2023I invited Jaylap and Eddie to my resort to get away since they were having problems with their relationship. I didn't know Mr. Ed
was going to be all over the resort. Mr. Eddie and Jayla loved.
the resort that they ended up all fucking everywhere.
This SCENE damn it was LIT!!!
Katherine Gomez And Eddie Jaye COLUMBIA Fun PT1 Eddie Jaye , Katherine Gomez 12/04/2023Finally The SCENE EVERYONE has been asking for Miss KATHERINE GOMEZ BBW Colombian Superstar with Mr Eddie JAYE!!!! I invited Ms Katherine over to my Cherokeeplayhouse bed and breakfast while in Colombia since she was already in Medellín. She came over and locked eyes on Mr Eddie . Lets say this is one...